
Posted on March 29, 2018 by staff

Crimson Tide appoints new CEO


Kent-headquartered software developer Crimson Tide has announced the appointment of Luke Jeffrey as its new CEO.

Jeffrey has held increasingly senior technical roles at the mobile enterprise solutions provider, culminating in his appointment as deputy chief executive last year.

Barrie Whipp, founder of Crimson Tide and former CEO, will continue as executive chairman.

“The development of our people is one of the cornerstones of the success of Crimson Tide,” he said.

“I am very pleased that Luke has achieved the position of CEO after growing through the ranks of Crimson Tide since leaving University.

“Luke has great experience of our company, having been instrumental in the development of mpro5 and being a member of the board since 2012.

“The staff hold him in very high regard. It is now Luke’s job to run the day to day operations of the company and I can focus on growth and the fantastic range of opportunities in front of us.”